
学生/家长手册 2020-2021: 出勤政策

伊利诺斯州校规规定, “凡对六岁至十七岁的儿童有监护权或控制权的,应使该儿童在其所在地区的某一公立学校正常学期的整个上课期间就读...”

虽然学校非常关注正常出勤,并将尽其所能确保正常出勤, 确保学生合法在校的最终责任由家长/监护人承担.

The following applies to scheduled class days and falls into these categories:

A. 缓考: Consent of both parent/guardian and school. 请假理由包括:

  1. 生病-学校可能会要求医生证明因病缺课五(5)天或更长时间.

  2. 预约医生或牙医.

  3. 葬礼.

  4. An absence approved by the administration.


B. 无故缺席: 未经所有必要的批准和证明而缺席的学生被视为无故缺席. 学生不允许补课或考试,也不允许无故缺席提前做作业或考试. (每缺课一节或直到获得一个音符为止,将给予一(1)节课后学习时间.)

Note: “Personal” Days do not exist for students.

学生离校少于四(4)节课将记半天缺课. This also applies to doctor and dental appointments. Students absent four (4) or more class periods will be marked absent for the full day.

AFTER 5 没有S DURING THE SEMESTER FROM ANY ONE CLASS, THE PARENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED BY THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL. All absences, except those listed below will count as part of the 5 days.

AFTER 10 没有S DURING THE SEMESTER FROM ANY ONE CLASS, THE STUDENT MAY NOT BE PERMITTED TO MAKE UP WORK OR TESTS. All absences, except those listed below will count as part of the 10 days. The only absences which will not be included in the 10 are listed below:

  1. 医生批准的借口. 医生的借口必须在办公室文具上,包括办公室电话和预约的时间和日期.

  2. Extended illness or injury when so stated by the doctor.

  3. 参加学校活动.

  4. 葬礼(直系亲属).

  5. Visiting a counselor or administrator, providing the official sent for the student.

  6. Court appearance with appropriate written verification from the court.

每节课5/10的缺勤是为了弥补生病和/或假期(大学访问)无法处理的情况, 侦探, 出庭, 葬礼, 等.). 学生们应该在课堂上.

All suspensions from school will count as part of the 5/10 days.

If extenuating circumstances arise after the student's 5th/10th absence, he/she may appeal in writing to the principal with an explanation of the circumstance.


A. 电话: Parents/guardians are to call the Attendance Office (786-7793) or email (alleman@8386online.net)上午九时三十分前.M. 报告学生缺勤. If the student is ill, a symptom must be given to the attendance office. A written note or email to the main office is also required before the student returns. Absence for reasons other than illness should be referred to numbers two (2) and three (3) below.

 B. 返校: 旷课者 must report to the Main Office PRIOR to first period or upon return to school for an ADMIT SLIP. 除非学生向总办公室提交书面说明或家长电子邮件,并由他/她的父母/监护人签署解释,否则缺课将被视为无理由. An Admit Slip will be given to the student after he/she presents the note to the Office. If, 2个上学日之后, the student has not presented a written note, he/she will not be permitted to class until a written excuse is recorded by the parent/guardian. 如果票据未在合理的时间内提交,行政裁量权可用于确定缺席为无理由. 学生必须在上课前将《欧博体育app》交给当天所上第一节课的老师签字. That teacher will return it to the Main Office. No student will be permitted in class unless he/she presented the Admit Slip. 这是学生的责任.

由于预约或其他原因必须在上课期间离开的学生,必须在第一节课之前向办公室提交由其父母/监护人签署的书面说明或解释电子邮件. Alleman高中要求纸条上有医生或牙医的名字,以防欧博体育app需要核实预约. 学生将收到办公室许可单,允许他/她在指定的时间通过总办公室离开学校. 在返回时, 学生必须出示医生的证明,包括预约的时间和日期. If it is not possible for an appointment verification by the doctor, dentist, 等.,办公室批准通知书必须附有家长/监护人签署的书面通知. At this time, the student will receive an Admit Slip.

家长/监护人想让他们的孩子请假,无论时间长短,都必须从总办公室获得家长学生缺课申请表. This form must be signed by the parent/guardian, and by each one of the student’s teachers. It must be returned to the Assistant Principal no later than one day prior to the absence. It is the responsibility of the student with an excused absence to request and do the make-up work. 应在缺课前与每位老师就完成作业作出满意的安排. 当学生回到学校, he/she must present a written note signed by his/her parent/guardian to the Main Office. At this time, the student will receive an Admit Slip. (行政部门要求家长尽一切努力确保家庭假期与学校官方日历上公布的学校假期一致.)

当学生连续缺课三(3)天或以上时,可以要求做家庭作业. 家长应在第二天结束或第三天的第一节课打电话给咨询办公室提出这个要求,欧博体育app将尽一切努力在第三天结束时在总办公室准备好作业,否则信息将在第四天提供. If a student has been absent five (5) or more consecutive school days, a Doctor's verification may be required upon the student's return to school.

All students attending Alleman are expected to live with their parents or legal guardian. Exceptions must be reviewed and approved by the Administration.

A student must be in attendance by 10:00 A.M. 并在学校当天的剩余时间内保持出席,以便练习和/或参加当天安排的任何课外活动. This would include students attending events as spectators. Any variance must be granted by the Assistant Principal in consultation with the Administration.

A student who is not in his/her first class before the bell rings is tardy to school. Any student who arrives late to school should report to the Main Office for a tardy slip. 在学生到校时,或在2个学日内,提供家长的书面证明,确认学生迟到. 如果学生因为医生的预约而必须迟到上学, appropriate verification must be provided from the doctor's office. 如遇恶劣天气,校方会通知出勤处有关程序. When a student accumulates six tardies to school in a semester, 家长将收到学校的电子邮件,声明所有额外的迟到都是不可原谅的. The student will not be able to make up work missed because of unexcused tardiness. 


Students are expected to be on time for classes and study halls. 上课铃响后到校,无迟到证者,按迟到计算,送办公室留校察看. Teachers will clearly explain expectations for what it means to be on time.



  1. Students are responsible to keep current in study/reading assignments. This may involve contacting fellow classmates for missed assignments (notes, readings, 等.不在时.

  2. Pre-announced tests are taken on the assigned date. Absence the day prior to the test does not excuse the student from taking this test.

  3. 如果旷课时间过长(超过一天),学生每旷课一天将有一天的补考时间. All homework assignments follow the same time span.

  4. Students can check on the Internet for assignments at wpq2.8386online.net and then click on Login to RenWeb in the bottom right hand corner. Once in RenWeb, you will be able to check assignments for each of your classes.

  5. If a student is absent for three (3) or more consecutive days, 需要医生的证明,或者必须提前填写延长缺勤表. 你可以联系咨询办公室,看看是否可以为你的学生收集网站上没有的额外工作. We try to give our teachers a 24 hour notice to have work prepared for the student; however, 如果你在早上8点半之前打来.m., most teachers will try to have work available for pick-up by the end of the day.